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Category Archives: Javascript

Edit: Thanks for pointing typos and mistakes, I’ll update the article as noted. Discussion in HackerNews and Reddit.

Source: How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016

Source: Efficient JavaScript Vector Math – Google IO 2012

Little Workshop is a digital studio specialized in WebGL experiences. We craft interactive websites, games, VR experiences and more.

Source: Little Workshop ‐ WebGL Development & Creative Services

Helping you select an MV* framework – Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS and many more

Source: TodoMVC

Our vision for the future of design tools is one where both the tool and the content are easily available to anyone, anywhere. That’s why…

Source: Building a professional design tool on the web — Figma Design — Medium

Progressive Web Apps

Source: Progressive Web Apps | Web Fundamentals – Google Developers

Source: Web Audio/MIDI Demo List | W3C Audio WG

Music is for everyone. Play with simple experiments that let anyone, of any age, explore how music works.

Source: Chrome Music Lab

Explores why we use callbacks and how solutions (like promises) offer relief from “callback hell”. Discusses generators, await, and the future of async

Source: Better Asynchronous JavaScript // Localytics Engineering Blog

This guys sounds like he knows what he is talking about in other posts.

So, you’re starting a brand new JavaScript front end project or overhauling an old one, and maybe you haven’t kept up wi…

Source: State of the Art JavaScript in 2016 — JavaScript and Opinions — Medium

Damn… this is horrifying…